A community integration
that makes your ... wiki blog website catalog portfolio storybooks application documentation content fly!
StructureSchema based modeling,
with end‑to‑end data integrity.
AuthorInput assistance and real-life preview,
in a focused environment.
ProvideCompose data in your templates,
thanks to a versatile toolbox.
pnpm astro add astro-content
pnpm content setup
pnpm dev
open http://localhost:3000/__content
A landscape image

It's an app,…

it has a command line interface,…



and it plays nice with your IDE, too…

A landscape image

it's Astro Content!

Here to help you
streamline your content pipeline
and improve your author experience.

A landscape image

Create content
with confidence.

Get warnings,errors, and insights Create / Preview Publish views Import data { } title: type: string order: type: number category: type: string enum: - Cuisine - Art YAML: is, too! title: Good nightorder: 1category: Art---**Markdown is Great**<Mdx is={awesome} /> import { get, type Article } from ‘/content’;const content = await get(...);const tasteGood = content.articles.tasteGood;---{tasteGood.frontmatter.title}<tasteGood.body.Content /> ... Website, wiki, docs, PDF, private knowledge base… title: 🍷 Taste goodorder: 1category: Sport---**See recipe on Github** it’s “GitHub”! Art?Cuisine? 🤨 🤔 Declare model type Article 🍷 Taste good Verson ces roses pres ce vin,De ce vin verson ces roses,Et boyvon l’un à l’autre, afinQu’au coeur noz tristesses enclosesPrennent en boyvant quelque fin. localhost:3000/taste-good

Special care is given to choose sensible defaults.
Still, you have total control to make it your own.

Speaking of ownership… there are no clouds in space.
With Astro Content, you own your data.

A landscape image

Extensible, with
solid OSS foundations.

Astro provide a framework, conventions and an eco-system of components, themes and integrations.
Astro Content acts in symbiosis.

After numerous attempts to make Markdown flexible, dust settled and MDX proved to be the most mature and logical choice. Astro Content is an ideal workbench for it.

unified is an eco-system of languages processing tools. It's so vast that Astro Content took as a mission to curate them for the mass. Get content insights without complicated setup!

Vite is an Astro -and modern webdev- essential piece. Need a new file format? Just write a plugin! In fact, it's thanks to this pluggability that Astro Content support YAML out-of-the box.

YAML is what your Markdown(X) front matter is made of, yes. But you could also put data-intensive content inside neat, dedicated YAML files. Astro Content treats them as first-class citizen.

Schemas ensures integrity to your data. Astro Content choose an ubiquitous, easy to learn declarative vocabulary: JSON Schema. Put logic where it belongs (not in your models) and benefit from an immense eco-system!

Typings are streamed while you change schemas or content entries. That means instant auto-completion and further command line / continuous integration validation. No more delayed refactoring!

Similar / inspired by

  • Gatsby, Nuxt, Gridsome
  • tRPC, GraphQL, Mongo API
  • nuxt/content, Docus, Contentlayer
  • Dendron, Obsidian, Ulysses
  • Strapi, Postman, VS Code