Template usage

In an Astro page

import { get } from '/content';

// Fetch everything
const allContent = await get(Astro.glob('/content/**/*.{md,mdx,yaml}'));

// For auto-completion to show up,
// ✨ start typing a '.' here ——————v
const tryAutoCompletion = allContent ;  

// Narrow fetching to some entities, for performance
const content = await get(

// Let's be more specific by getting a single entry
const bigGrumpy = content?.robots?.bigGrumpy;

// Or even get the MD(X) body component directly
const BigGrumpyMainContent = content?.robots?.bigGrumpy?.main.Content;

<bigGrumpy.main.Content />

<BigGrumpyMainContent />


<!-- Pass data down to component, with end-to-end type safety -->
<Robot feats={bigGrumpy}>

In an Astro component

import { type Robot } from '/content';

// Augment your <Robot /> `Props`
const { feats } = Astro.props as { feats: Robot };

<feats.main.Content />

<!-- As always, you get type safety and auto-completion everywhere! -->
<!-- If it can break here, you'll know it soon while refactoring. -->